Tuesday, June 2, 2009

notes and ideas. interests

1. The status of architectural creations: what or where are they about?
- partially as a response to the fact that architecture itself has problems defining its scope.

1.1 the Strain between the Ideal (conceptual) and Real (sensual) existence of the objects (What Bernard Tschumi called "the Pyramid" and "the Labyrinth"). What does it mean to 'plan' an object? How does one 'execute' an idea? What method should one establish in converting objects back and forth between Concept and Materiality.

This 'distance' or 'stretch' (between ideas and things) is emphasized through the numerous nodes on the way of architectural production. From concept, through sketches, diagrams, study models, presentation models, until the building (or a large size sculpture itself) which nevertheless borrows completely from the process that preceded it. That is, it exists in ensemble with the objective iterations and ideal discussion throughout the process.

1.2 Conversion between media is a translation. On the most basic level it implies looking for analogues within different media.

1.2.1 Rather than constraining the new medium with analogies, however, better yet to allow the possibilities to contribute to the generation of the totality of the project. It should be a useful work, not a re-doing. It seems most ingenoius to me to have the different stages almost unrecognizably far from each other (so that they are not re-presentations of each other) but rather a research.

1.3 A one-to-one iteration is impossible both because of the inherent difference in the media and their different position on the stretch between the ideal and the object. Hybrid works are interesting because they try to embrace the distance. Some cross information happens there.

2. how the objects can exist cross-informed. Or rather how none of the object is just an object. But parts of its body can be drawings or words.

3. The interplay between different presentations within the same project.

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